
A guide for entrepreneurs who are leaving their 9-5 jobs because of bullying & harassment.

The effects of trauma and how to heal from it.


Working in an environment where bullying & harassment is normal and accepted is hard. It can cause you to second guess yourself, lower your confidence and definitely have long term traumatic effects on your overall success as an individual and as an entrepreneur. 

Not that long ago I experienced bullying & harassment, as the only black female in an organization in Wrightsville PA. I did not understand how painful Social Isolation could be until I went through it for such extended period of time.  After multiple complaints of race discrimination, I was terminated and was told that it was because staff reported feeling unsafe to work with me. Unfortunately I continued to experience severe emotional turmoil when faced with familiar behaviors and emotions in other places of employment. Since then I have committed myself to conducting related research and have  interviewed many individuals who are facing similar issues and see the need to help others find the help they need and deserve. 

In this course, I provide practical ‘ways to’ advise  and use a trauma informed approach that will help you heal from workplace trauma.  

Joint this course and learn steps that you can take to heal from trauma. Give your business and customers the best and undiscovered parts of you. 

Coming Soon!!

Mental Health

A guide for employees who are struggling mentally and emotionally in the workplace.

How to make your Mental Health a priority through self discovery and become confident enough to pivot.


Struggling mentally and emotionally in an environment where you give your best and go above and beyond is straight up disturbing. No one should experience mental exhaustion eight hours a day, five days a week, fifty two weeks per year. You deserve to be valued and have peace. 

Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness” is a well-known phrase in the United States Declaration of Independence..

The valuing of Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness is the valuing of humanity. To value humanity is to value being human more than money, fame, or power. It’s time to take a stand. It’s time to prioritize your mental health. 

Not that long ago I experienced bullying & harassment, as the only black female in an organization in Wrightsville PA. I did not understand how painful Social Isolation could be until I went through it for such extended period of time.  After multiple complaints of race discrimination, I was terminated and was told that it was because staff reported feeling unsafe to work with me. Unfortunately I continued to experience severe emotional turmoil when faced with familiar behaviors and emotions in other places of employment. My mental health was greatly impacted.  Since then I have committed myself to conducting related research and have  interviewed and connected with many individuals who are facing similar issues and see the need to help others find the help they need and deserve. 

In this course, I provide a blueprint for prioritizing your Mental Health and walk you through the self discovery process to help you practice  balance and maintain confidence in the workplace. 

Joint this course and learn how to put your Mental Health above everything else in the workplace and still succeed in your job.